Here Come the Brides Short Story Contest Rules

  • Email submissions only.
  • Stories must be 6,000 to 10,000 words. The Copyright and title page are NOT included in the word count. A Glossary of terms or expressions IS included in the word count.
  • Entries must follow the format rules.
  • Entries must be a romance (with a HEA ending) related to a wedding. Stories may be of any heat level above sweet, not including erotica. (see List of Heat Levels.) The reader level is adult.
  • Manuscripts MUST NOT CONTAIN: pedophilia, rape, incest, necrophilia, bestiality, or racial intolerance presented in a positive light or as titillation.
  • All sex must be consensual, and any characters that are portrayed having sex must be at least 18-years-old.
  • Once submitted, entries may not be changed.
  • The deadline date for entries is midnight EST, June 1, 2024.
  • Stories must contain text only.
  • Story files must be the story only (plus copyright and title pages.)
  • For the story to be published, the author must sign and return the contract form by July 15, 2024.


  • Entries must not have been published, self-published, published on any website, blog or online forum, broadcast, have won or been placed in any other competition.
  • Entries must be within the word limits
  • Entries must follow the format rules
  • Entries are judged anonymously. DO NOT include your name, address, phone number, email, website, twitter handle etc. anywhere on the document or in the file. EXCEPTION: Your name will appear on your copyright page and the title page. To preserve anonymity, we will replace your name on the copyright page with a contestant number. Your name or pen name will appear in the published version of the story both on the copyright page and in the byline.
  • Winners who have not signed and returned the contract by July 15, 2024, will be disqualified and replaced by the next runner up.